
Guidelines for Paper Submission

Conference accepts extended abstracts and/or full-lengths papers based on original work. The extended abstracts, if accepted, will be published as web proceedings on the conference webpage. In contrast, full-length papers, if accepted, will be published as proceedings with a publisher (e.g., Springer). Extended abstracts should be limited toa maximum of 1000 words including 2 figures and 2 tables (references are not counted in the word limit). Full-length papers should follow the Springer template. In both extended abstracts and full-length papers, excluding references and citations, the amount of similarity to published sources should not be more than 15% and similarity to a single source should not be more than 4%.

Submission Format

In order for your paper to be included in the Proceedings, Please follow the springer template below are the links.

Latex template:

Microsoft Word template:

Submission Method

Authors can submit their abstract and full-length papers through the following link.